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Induction Training Photo

Induction Training on Social Protection

The National Social Protection Secretariat (NSPS) and Kenya School of Government (KSG) held an induction training on Social Protection from the 27th of February 2023 to the 3rd of March 2023 at the Lake Naivasha Resort. The training brought together Directors from all KSG campuses who were selected to attend this crucial training.

The Director General of KSG graced the event and delivered the opening remarks, highlighting the importance of social protection in achieving the government's development agenda. He urged the directors to take the training seriously and apply the knowledge gained to enhance service delivery and promote social welfare in their respective areas of work.

The objective of the induction training was to enhance the capacity of KSG directors in social protection, including policy formulation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. The training aimed to equip the directors with knowledge and skills to effectively design and implement social protection programs that target the most vulnerable groups in society.

The training program included interactive sessions, group discussions, and simulations to enable the directors to fully understand the concept of social protection and its importance in promoting inclusive development. The training covered various topics such as Designing and Implementation of Social Protection Programme,Legal and Policy Regulatory Frameworks ,Role and Mandate of KSG among others.

The KSG induction training on social protection was a resounding success. The directors gained valuable knowledge and skills that will enable them to design and implement effective social protection programs in their respective areas of work. The training demonstrated KSG's commitment to building the capacity of its staff and contributing to the achievement of the government's development agenda.