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The Enhanced Single Registry

The Kenya Social and Economic Inclusion Project (KSEIP) is a five-year World Bank-funded project that aims at strengthening delivery systems for enhanced access to social and economic inclusion services and shock-responsive safety nets for poor and vulnerable households. 

Programmes in KSEIP

National Safety Net Programme (NSNP) that brings together four main cash transfer programmes focused on:

How to Insert a Tick Symbol In Microsoft Word Documents Older Persons (OPCTs)

How to Insert a Tick Symbol In Microsoft Word Documents Persons with severe disability (PWSDs)

How to Insert a Tick Symbol In Microsoft Word Documents orphans and vulnerable children (OVCs)

How to Insert a Tick Symbol In Microsoft Word Documents households facing recurrent shocks due to drought.

All these programmes are commonly known as Inua Jamii.



KSEIP has been implemented since 2019 and is expected to end in December, 2023 and benefits the existing NSNP beneficiaries and those identified as poor and vulnerable through objective targeting criteria, using the new social registry. The project is in line with the Constitution of Kenya (2010), Kenya’s Vision 2030, and Kenya National Social Protection Policy (2011). KSEIP also complements the Government’s new priorities, known as the ‘Big Four’.

These include:

  1. Universal Health Coverage (UHC) by providing an automated referral mechanism for expanding enrolment of NSNP beneficiaries into the NHIF and supporting identification of potential beneficiaries to be enrolled under the UHC.
  2. Food and nutrition security by scaling up the nutrition-sensitive safety net, expanding regular cash transfers under the HSNP, and investing in a shock-responsive safety net to provide timely support to drought-affected households; and
  3. Job creation through investments in testing of GoK- led economic inclusion approaches for possible scale- up.

The project is fully aligned with the Country Partnership Strategy (CPS) for Kenya (2014–2020), as well as Global and Africa. SP Strategies, and advances improvements in the human capital.